Welcome to the Catford And Bromley United Synagogue
Since it’s establishment in 1936, our synagogue has brought together members of the Jewish community from across South-East London and Kent.
Our Faith
At our core is a beautiful synagogue where Shabbat services are conducted, and festivals are celebrated. We aim to create a warm environment in which we can enrich our Jewish lives.
Our inclusive and friendly community is one of our biggest strengths. A warm welcome is always guaranteed, whatever the occasion. Happy events are celebrated and shared in the community, and support is never far away during difficult times. Our synagogue is home to a diverse range of lively social groups, in which there are plenty of opportunities to get involved. An active and well-resourced Maccabi youth club is based on-site, providing after school activities and camps during school holidays. Our Young People’s Group meets regularly, and our Friendship Club for senior members holds a lunch every week.
Many new families have joined the synagogue in recent years, and their children attend our flourishing nursery and cheder. The children are taught history, religious practice, and to read Jewish texts, so they can take part in synagogue services whenever possible. There are opportunities for adult learning as well.
Links with the wider community are strong, with visits from school groups encouraged. We are pleased to have a close relationship with various inter-faith groups, and our representatives are working with them to enhance a mutual understanding of each other’s beliefs and customs.
The synagogue has a proud history and is looking forward to a bright future.
Our History
Catford's First Service
The first services were conducted in member’s homes.
Our Congregation Was Formed
Over 100 members joined the congregation and Reverend Cooper became our first minister.
The Synagogue Opened Its Doors
The new synagogue opened in its first home at 53 Catford Hill.
1940 - 1947
Difficult Years
Difficult years for the shul with declining membership caused by the outbreak of war and bomb damage to the shul.
Rabbi Rockman Joined Us
Rabbi J. H. Rockman became our minister and the community was growing again.
The Move To Crantock Road
New premises were needed and found. After a huge fund raising effort the Glennifer laundry sports ground was purchased in Crantock Road. Services were conducted in an old squash court. Shortly afterwards Rabbi Rockman left and took up a new position in Harrogate, returning to Catford Synagogue in 1958.
Funds Were Raised To Build Our Synagogue
High Holy Day services were conducted in various venues, hired from Bromley Council as the Arnold Robins Hall wall was not big enough to accommodate the congregation. After some difficulties with alternative venues, funds were raised to create a purpose built synagogue.
Our First Newsletter Was Published
The first regular newsletter was published called The Shofar. The name was later changed to The Gazette.
Our Synagogue Was Completed

The first Service to be held in the new Synagogue was in February, a memorable occasion followed by the first Bar Mitzvah in March. At last we had a Synagogue which made us independent of the Town Hall - one that could accommodate all our members.
'Togetherness' Award
The synagogue Contact Committee won the Chief Rabbi's award for attracting community togetherness.
One Day Limmud
The Catford And Bromley United Synagogue and Bromley Reform Synagogue collaborated to organise a successful one day Limmud in Bromley.
The Friendship Club Celebrated 50 Years
The Friendship Club celebrated 50 years since its first meeting at 53, Catford Hill.
Minister Rome Joined Us
Minister Cantor David Rome was appointed. He is the grandson of Rabbi Rockman who had served the community for 44 years.
75 Year Anniversary!
The community celebrated its 75th anniversary with a celebratory tea which was attended by Chief Rabbi, Dr Jonathan Sacks.
Rabbi Bryan Weisz joins Us
We are delighted that Rabbi Bryan Weisz has joined us to lead our community. He recently served as Cantor to synagogues in Berlin and Prague. We congratulate him on recently attaining semicha, and welcome him and his family to Catford & Bromley Synagogue.