Sunday 24th June was busy for Catford and Bromley Synagogue Community.
In the morning at Allerford Road Memorial grounds we commemorated Armed Forces Day at a service which was organised jointly by Lewisham Council and armed forces organisations. The grounds contain a memorial for Jewish service men who lost their lives in both World Wars and we were able to say Kaddish at the memorial stone. Our minister, Rev David Rome, was invited to take part in the service. In attendance were local MP's, The Deputy Lord Lieutenant, The Lewisham Mayor and Mayoress, who is a member of the Catford community, and several other dignitaries. This year our Cheder children attended and one of the parents, Matthew Burchell, held the ceremonial AJEX Standard. It was a very moving occasion but enjoyable and educational for our cheder children.
Straight after this ceremony several of us attended the Lewisham Faith walk. The original walk was inspired up by our synagogue Chairman, Joe Burchell, and the Police. It is the fourth year that it has been held. On this occasion approximately 300 people visited the Hindu Temple ,The Salvation Army Centre, The Islamic Centre, Lewisham Town Hall and lastly the Catford and Bromley Synagogue . Mr. Burchell welcomed everybody and made everyone laugh by saying "This might be the last place of visiting today but actually it all started here with us." Considering the attraction of the England football match that Sunday and the very hot weather the support for this inter-faith event was excellent. As one of the MP's remarked “Lewisham Faith Walk sets the standard for other Boroughs to follow.”