
Dear Friends, 

As we witness another terrible atrocity in our great country let us for a few moments think about the significance of this tragedy. It occurred at the end of a concert and was aimed at children.

As a trained Cantor we learn that music transcends all cultures and boundaries. Music is so powerful. We can observe this with dementia patients who have lost all their faculties but when they hear a familiar melody, their eyes light up and they even start remembering the words and singing along.

The celebrated Israeli conductor Daniel Barenboim made his name because of his enormous gesture of uniting young adults of varying cultures and making music together in the spirit of love, peace and harmony in an often troubled region of the world.

At this sad juncture let us remember all those who lost their lives and were injured in Manchester and hope that music will continue to unite us in fostering good relations between our different communities. 



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