Chanukah Celebrations 2022

The joyous festival of lights was celebrated in the our synagogue, members homes and also at the Lewisham Civic Centre. The Lewisham evening was kindly hosted by Lewisham Council, it was a multi-faith event. Over one hundred people attended. We were welcomed by the Mayor, Damien Egan, informed about Chanukah by the leader of Catford […]

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Chanukah lights up the Synagogue

Chanukah, the festival of lights, a time for celebration, dreidles and doughnuts. Clearly, this was a good opportunity for a party and for the community to come together socially after many long months of Covid isolation. The shul hall was bustling with children and their families along with members who had not seen each other […]

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Selichot at Catford

We have never held a Selichot service at Catford and Bromley Synagogue before so this year Rev Rome took the bull by the horns and organised our first. This, as tradition demands, took take place on the Saturday night prior to Rosh Hashanah. Selichot means forgiveness and the service includes penitential prayers to set the […]

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Chanukah and Hora at the Civic Centre

What could possibly bring together representatives of many faiths and a good number of their congregants, the Major and Majoress of Lewisham along with various representatives from Lewisham Council? Add to those a Member of Parliament, representatives from the armed forces, other Jewish organisations and many from Catford and Bromley and Bromley Reform Synagogues and […]

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A Special Occasion

Our synagogue has recently celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of our current purpose built synagogue building. As if this was not enough, we were able to celebrate the return of two Sifrei Torah scrolls to the synagogue after repair. This is treated with the same importance as they were when originally presented to […]

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Gala Cantors Concert

Over 200 people descended in Catford and Bromley Synagogue to listen to a fabulous Jewish Gala Concert with renowned Cantors David Rome, Stephen Robins, Henry Black and David Shine together with the TLCS Jewish choir. Musicians – David Silkoff, Sharona Joshua, Miriam Kramer, Bob Sydor and Emily Theodore and the wonderful Compere Henry Grunwald OBE QC. 

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Communal Seder

The annual community Seder Night was held on first night of Passover. In spite of it falling on a Shabbat which made organising difficult the seder was a great success. The food was delicious; it was prepared by our Vice Chairman Joan Goldberg and her helpers. The very musical explanation of the festival by our Minister David Rome was very […]

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The Miraculous Ten Plagues

Pesach otherwise known as Passover  is the time when Hashem bypassed the houses of the Israelites whilst smiting those containing the Egyptian firstborns. What was so miraculous about the ten plagues? A recent documentary aired on television outlined various scientific theories regarding how and why the plagues were not necessarily miraculous. Let me indulge in […]

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Why Do We Celebrate Shavuot?

Shavuot is a Jewish holiday that celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. The Talmud tells us that God gave the Ten Commandments to the Jews on the sixth night of the Hebrew month of Sivan. Shavuot always falls 50 days after the second night of Passover. The 49 days in between are […]

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