We were asked to host the Lewisham Council Holocaust Memorial event at Catford. In excess of 100 people of different faiths attended, who heard presentations from various speakers. We watched a recording made by Rachel Levy, a Holocaust survivor and member of C&B. The Major of Lewisham spoke and was invited to light a memorial […]
The joyous festival of lights was celebrated in the our synagogue, members homes and also at the Lewisham Civic Centre. The Lewisham evening was kindly hosted by Lewisham Council, it was a multi-faith event. Over one hundred people attended. We were welcomed by the Mayor, Damien Egan, informed about Chanukah by the leader of Catford […]
Our Maccabi Club were actively involved in Lewisham Borough Council’s Commemoration at the Lewisham Theatre. The theme of Stand Together was perfectly illustrated by the children from Maccabi and the students at The Young Muslim Academy literally standing together to recite a poem specially written for the occasion.
Invest in peace at a South London location, Lewisham Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin and Catford and Bromley Synagogue invite you to hear the stories of two peace activists: one Israeli and one Palestinian. Special guests are Janet Daby, MP for Lewisham East and Damien Egan, Mayor of Lewisham. Tickets free, book online […]
What could possibly bring together representatives of many faiths and a good number of their congregants, the Major and Majoress of Lewisham along with various representatives from Lewisham Council? Add to those a Member of Parliament, representatives from the armed forces, other Jewish organisations and many from Catford and Bromley and Bromley Reform Synagogues and […]
Our synagogue has recently celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of our current purpose built synagogue building. As if this was not enough, we were able to celebrate the return of two Sifrei Torah scrolls to the synagogue after repair. This is treated with the same importance as they were when originally presented to […]
Dear Friends, As we witness another terrible atrocity in our great country let us for a few moments think about the significance of this tragedy. It occurred at the end of a concert and was aimed at children. As a trained Cantor we learn that music transcends all cultures and boundaries. Music is so powerful. […]
The community were delighted to welcome The Bishop of Woolwich, Right Reverend Dr Michael Ipgrave OBE to the sabbath morning service at the invitation of our minister. He will be leaving his post shortly after being elevated to become the Bishop of Lichfield. Serving in his capacity as Chairman of the Council of Christians and […]
It is rare that we have a full Synagogue but on this afternoon we had a hall filled with over 200 people including many VIPs. Amongst them was the Bishop of Woolwich Michael Ipgrave (Chairman of Council of Christians and Jews), Ministers of many other religions, MPs, Councillors and High Ranking Military Officers. Also importantly, there were several people who had never […]
We are welcoming our dear friend, the Bishop of Woolwich and honouring him on his elevation to the position as the Bishop of Lichfield. Bishop Michael will join us for the Shabbat Service and then address the community. There will be a savoury kiddush following the service. All are welcome.
Shavuot is a Jewish holiday that celebrates the giving of the Torah to the Jews. The Talmud tells us that God gave the Ten Commandments to the Jews on the sixth night of the Hebrew month of Sivan. Shavuot always falls 50 days after the second night of Passover. The 49 days in between are […]